and so 2nd semester started with muet final which is reading, writing and listening... i think i've done much better than pspm 1. har3...
so my new class is k2s2p2b... str8 2! hehe....
nak dekat seminggu da bekampong dgn depa... seronok gak la klas tu.. keh3...
rase mcm nak jd bdk diam ja cuz i always kene marah sbb byk ckp. hahaha.... ops...
minggu ni rase maas gle nak study... even bkk buku pon malas. haha.... mentang2 first week. bole la maen2 lg. huhuhu....
in the nut shell... i looking foward for my pspm result. will be out at 6th december. woaaaargh! takut... :D
22 November 2011
as sweet as apple?
ade tak peribahase tu in english? hahaha...
what is this feeling...
rindu adakah?
ape2 lah...
this feeling makes me feel uneasy for everything i'd done...
wonder what it is...
never felt it before...
"ya muqallibal qulub... thabbit qulubana ala deenik wa ala tooo atiq"
ade tak peribahase tu in english? hahaha...
what is this feeling...
rindu adakah?
ape2 lah...
this feeling makes me feel uneasy for everything i'd done...
wonder what it is...
never felt it before...
"ya muqallibal qulub... thabbit qulubana ala deenik wa ala tooo atiq"
21 November 2011
simply the best
kakom started at 8of march and ended at 16th...
so.. what is KAKOM?...
it is KArnival KOkurikulum Matrikulasi
i want to story abit bout it :)
so, we camp there for amost 9 days (telan cuti mid sam aku wei!). so we stayed at kolej matrikulasi selangor bout 1 hour from my home i think. hehehe...
157 athelete was participate under KMK and i was among them.
first day...
bermula dgn pehimpunan di kemah cosmic (siries kemah tu besa gile!. mcm nak bt konsert jom heboh. huhuhu...).
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look at the size :) |
then acare menyambut kedatangan TPM ke tmpt kami. x dak gambo sory
malam merapatkan silaturrahim la ape la....
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tiap pagi keme bekumpul mcm ni lpas suboh.. haiz... |
so 2nd day skip... takdak bende best pon.
3rd day.... the game started! huyah..
most of the game made it to the quarter also basket :)
best jugak rpenye sorak2 ni. bikin psyco orang ja. huhu....
hmm.... so the best part is stiap petang dihiasi dengan anak2 lecture maen bola kat tgh2. hehe... so what's so cool bout this kid palying ball? hehe.... starte with our basketball team yg da kalah jadi gila. so we were playing with the haller*btolkeeje eh? :D hehe... the haikal who suddenly started commentating game bdak2. suddenly ramai start jengok dr tingkap tgk ape yg best nye.... bile ramai2 da klua die jd FUN bile all of our block tak kire la matrik mane... sme sorang utk bdk2 ni. orang yg lalu lalang pon pelek then drang pon tesangkot. it's just a relaxing and fun thing to do. huhu.... so that activity continue for the next day... :) sampai habes bateri haller tu. haha.... sayang gambo x dak.
hmm... tbe2 malas nak tules.... let the pics tell the story....
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team sorak... huhuhu.. meriah! |
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acare pebarisan di meriahkan lg dgn air gliding... i was so amaze by this! |
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kolej matrikulasi labuan yang mmg fearsome! str8 6 kali menang. |
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penaddd! :) sorry fitri |
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i was going to insult perak payer who is actualy afro's... best jgak pki wig ni :D |
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diva... haha... kebudayaan team... smpt amik gambo die ni ja. |
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lasat day shoppe!!!! |
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maskot KAKOM 2011... ayam jantan.. terbesar dr ladang. |
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majlis penutup :) |
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some cute kid sit beside me :) |
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we were kicked 2 time cuz basket team does not have an actual bus. tapape.... |
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duta kmk. haha..... |
09 November 2011
holiday is holiday okayy...
holiday is holiday... huhu....
b4 any story.... happy eid adha everyone! :D
so finally reach home for eid adha at mache :)
it was some freaking tiring day ofcoz....
well yeah... kindda jealous x dpt ikot paksu bertunang... she's kindda beautiful. mata besa punya. haha *tu yg ak tgk eh... org klate gak. huhu... klate gomo
so to make it short...
btolak dr kl ke klantan at 3 and reach at 12... it was massive 11 hours. plus 2 cuz went to shah alam to send my mom to my grandmother's house. huhu....
wake up late at the first raya and wee.... naseb baek sempat solat raya skali. huhu..... but something wierd hapPENING there.... the they start takbir... everybody yg x smpi lg was like... *ooohhh... doh mulo doh. sambel drang jalan laju2 meninggalkan masjid. i was like wth... biarlah die dgn allah. :)
then ptg tu pg kb pg beraye... :) and miraculously one of my KBM participant was my relatives... LOL.
esoknye rebah lembu pg2. planned at 7.30 tp 8.00 pon x lg. hailo.... biasaq laaa. bekwoh then blk... :( another 10 hours in car.... hailo....
kawad kaki ^^
holiday is holiday... huhu....
b4 any story.... happy eid adha everyone! :D
so finally reach home for eid adha at mache :)
it was some freaking tiring day ofcoz....
well yeah... kindda jealous x dpt ikot paksu bertunang... she's kindda beautiful. mata besa punya. haha *tu yg ak tgk eh... org klate gak. huhu... klate gomo
so to make it short...
btolak dr kl ke klantan at 3 and reach at 12... it was massive 11 hours. plus 2 cuz went to shah alam to send my mom to my grandmother's house. huhu....
wake up late at the first raya and wee.... naseb baek sempat solat raya skali. huhu..... but something wierd hapPENING there.... the they start takbir... everybody yg x smpi lg was like... *ooohhh... doh mulo doh. sambel drang jalan laju2 meninggalkan masjid. i was like wth... biarlah die dgn allah. :)
then ptg tu pg kb pg beraye... :) and miraculously one of my KBM participant was my relatives... LOL.
esoknye rebah lembu pg2. planned at 7.30 tp 8.00 pon x lg. hailo.... biasaq laaa. bekwoh then blk... :( another 10 hours in car.... hailo....
so here's some pic :)
balek suda...
till next post....
wassalam :)
08 November 2011
exam is over!
just a short post... kot...
so the exam ended with... urmm.... ntah lah :D
so the study week was great. no classes. no wake-up-at-8-o'clock. and wat so ever. huhu.... but hey... due to every-day-training-session... it was soooo tired. *dah la muke da hitam. :D
so the result of my xm?
english was total failure... mcm karangan bdk2. :D
math? i think i was ok... kot. :)
scs comp? ok je... tp soalan die pelek2. tapape. huhu
phy? susah tp tak tau kenape sme yg aku buat rase tenang. :) alhamdulillah...
and last chemist... boleh buat tp sme tak confident. aiyoyo....
rabbi yassir wala tuassir...
allahumma najjihna fi haazal imthihan
allahumma najjihna fi haazal imthihan
but during the exam week, i think i've learned something IN the hall which are
- im a product of hidayah... so act as one :) *due to hari2 kene bace doa kat depan org ramai. :). well i admit teketaq jugak la kan.
- walau pon kite cacat ke ape.... we still can have a good life but in a different way of course *one of my exam prefect was !@#$%^.^ but still she's a happy lect. hehehe... im happy for her.
till next post
23 October 2011
old days ey.
Aku suka baca balik semua kata-kata semangat kat kertas ni. Walaupun ni kata-kata semangat yang ditulis untuk SPM, tapi apa salahnya semangat ini terus digunakan kan? kecuali part 'SPM 11A+' tu jelah. Sekarang target dah lain. Tapi matlamat tetap sama, nak berjaya, capai cita-cita.
Terima kasih rakan-rakan 5 Iftikhar 2010. Saya/Ana/Kita rasa semangat baca korang2 punya tulisan ni. Semoga kita semua tetap semangat untuk berjaya di jalan yang masing-masing ambil. Semoga kita semua dapat menyumbang untuk Islam. Innallaha ma'ana. Sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita :D
Tiba-tiba rasa macam post ni didedikasikan buat Iftikharian 2010 pulak -__-"
sekian sahaja. wassalam :)
10 October 2011
bismillah... since muet is just around the cornet... i'll try my best to write in english. tp nak campo gak BM. :D'
so last thursday, frriday and saturday, we the athlete of kmk had a camp called "kem motivasi kakom" at kem muazzam shah, jenan.
we had a bad start... cuz the lect says at 3 we gonna depart from kmk.. but hey. janji melayu. not the participent who came late but the buses and lect. kindda sux ey? biaq pi la. arrive around asr prayers. hmm.... start off with orientation with the army... mule2 je start da kene lari mcm askar... with all the kiri.. kanana... kiri kanan... then depa tunjok banggunan2 sekeliling kem tu. and bout each stop we were force to push up on tar... #damn. habes tu makan them pg khemah sattle down.
keadaan dlm camp...
then malam tu ade sesi ice breaking.. it was kindda fun. started with kluakan tali dr tali. (paham2 je la.... tali ikat kat 2 belah tgn n sorang lg selitkan tali die so x bole cbot g2.)
then teruskan dgn
tambong sekotak air dgn 4 helai kertas... my energy was low on that nite so i didnt convey my idea. bg je depa buat walopon i have a better idea. :D hehehe....
ade la org dpt buat smpi 3 kotak air.
dan last malam tu
activiti die bout keyakinan diri. orang dok dpn bg talk kite booo die. tgk ape function. ade yg kene booo... ade yg kene diam+fokus... dan ade yg kene tepok tangan.
so it was a nice activity to built up chemistry among us. :)
2nd day.
start off at 5 o'clock... kami yg pi kejot askar2 tu bgn suboh... liat! hahaha.... suboh... then ade senaman pagi which is senaman askar. pumping la tu la ni la... dan diajar kawad. the kawad is sooooo much diff with krs. all started with left. kite dlu kanan je sme. hailo koral sofwan ni. hahaha...
sesi academic yg x academic sgt. x phm pa ape yg die terang... hahaha... cket2 paham la jugak. hehehe...
solat jumaat
then on the evening we had a obstacle competition. kindda interesting cuz ye la kan. bende2 gni sapae yg x intrested. hehehe... i was with my basket team plus takraw. ramai yg injured. smpi ade yg kulit tekopak due to tarzan swing... so in the end. we got 2nd place among 4. the first team was olahraga. boleh la... depa fit gila. >.<":
then malam tu ade night walk. just a common night walk... wait for an hours for da turrn. and hmm... nothing to be scared of. da biase kan time menengah. hehehe.... then habes tu kami kene buat cheer utk team kedah. then memekan je la mlm tu dgn cheer2. turn out my voice was..... habes, you can say that. hehehe... hyperactive malam tu due to dah tdo time tunggu turn. haha....
3rd day
started with mcm biase la suboh, then senaman pagi lg dgn askar. pumping start jump and so on. makan then kemas2 barang...
then raptai penutop... blablabla...
penutop... blablabla...
habes.... :D.
kopral n sarjan yang menghangatkan keadaan... terbaek boboboboyyy.... :)
dan nak pukui 9 dah ni. ade klas bebs! hehe.... dan lg tu post.
as a conclusion... semangat tu penteng. biar kalah game jgn kalah semangat. game tu adat. semangat? :D.... easier to talk than done ey. huhuhu....
im a happy man and i smile... cheeeese.. :)
orite till next post...
all da best for my muet and pspm.
30 September 2011
puh3... berhabok
bismillah... puh3... berhabok... so this is just a short welcome-back-post... hehe....
esok?... larian kakom! ahaha.... gonna do the best as my training. hehehe...
so its already october... syawal gone... ramadhan gone... next battle is? PSPM sem1!.... so basicly now every teacher was rushing to finish up the syllabus... math tinggal satu bab kecik. so well? can i do it? ofcourse yes!. just got selected for math clinic... i can get more attension on math. not forget the others... hehehe... enough for the babbling...
"al-aql salim fi jism salim"
hehe... bout basket? getting stressed with coach who only noe-to-scold-us... last 2 game is completely lose. with UUM was expected lose. but with matiks perlis? damn... it was coach flawless... and i didnt got the chance to play. hmm... let bygone be bygone right? still gt time to improve. and now they r making all the kakom+nians to be a one big family.. which r quite a gud thing. hehe....
hehe... bout basket? getting stressed with coach who only noe-to-scold-us... last 2 game is completely lose. with UUM was expected lose. but with matiks perlis? damn... it was coach flawless... and i didnt got the chance to play. hmm... let bygone be bygone right? still gt time to improve. and now they r making all the kakom+nians to be a one big family.. which r quite a gud thing. hehe....
esok?... larian kakom! ahaha.... gonna do the best as my training. hehehe...
13 october = muet speaking test
16 october = muet the rest test
*wonder why i write in full english ey? :D
pray for the best... till next post...
wassalam.... :)
pray for the best... till next post...
wassalam.... :)
29 August 2011
Last and for-all
welll... wanna make it short cuz its already 1 o'clock. hehe....
so ramadhan this year? i think this year was the bad+est ramadhan i had... dengan al-quran nye x smpi 10 juz. dgn amalannye appa ja. ish... so this is the life after keluar dalam bi'ah islamiah eh... hmm... goottta work harder to rise my iman. :)
bad ramadhan means i cant celebrate eid happily rite? we'll see... :)
dengan ini... saya muhammad sofwan bin zamri menyusun 10 jari kaki dan 10 kari tangan ingin memohon maaf dari salah silap ku andai pernah ter-saketkan hati... ter-kutok... ter-"sombong"... ter... ape2 la kan. especially to my dear SMIH+ian... and kmk+ian and alamin+ians... ohya... tidak lupa juga kpade guru2ku yang tercinta *kalau la depa baca... :)
..alang2 seluk pekasam, biar smpi habes teros...
*p/s... mati aku x buat assignment bejuta2(hyperbolanye)... math is just sux. :) im the one who sux at math
26 August 2011
kek batik
so, recently i just made a kek batik thanks to internet... it was awesome to make this thing. well... as you can see... the texture is sux but nevertheless.. the taste was great. the choc was very creamy #well.. sampi saket tekak mkn. tp pape pon sedap la.... so here's the result.
for the ways to cook it.... i just share it. :)
- Biskut marie ; sebungkus (dalam gambar ni 2 bungkus sebab nak buat 2 kali)
- Butter ; 1/2 buku
- Milo ; 5 cawan (biasa orang guna choc. tapi guna milo lagi sedap kot)
- Susu sejat ; 1/2 cawan
- Susu pekat ; 1/2 cawan
- Telur ; sebiji (optional. tak guna pun takpa)
Cara membuat:
- Patah-patahkan biskut marie. Patah 2 atau 4 pun cukup kot.
biskut marie - Cairkan butter dalam periuk (perlu tak tulis dalam periuk?)
- Masukkan telur sebiji; pakai api kecil
- Sebelum telur tu masak, cepat2 masukkan milo, susu sejat dan susu pekat secara bergilir-gilir dan berselang-seli.
- Kacau je bahan campuran tu sampai jadi macam chocolate cream
yang ni chocolate cream dia macam keras + tak jadi sangat sebab lupa nak kecilkan api dan telur dah termasak sikit :P - Tutup api. Masukkan biskut marie yang dah dipatah-patahkan tadi ke dalam chocolate cream dalam periuk tu.
- Kacau/gaul biskut marie dengan krim coklat tu sampai rata.
- Masukkan biskut marie yang telah disaluti krim coklat ke dalam bekas / loyang / tupperware , etc. Mampat-mampatkan dia.
- Biarkan sampai dah sejuk sikit, kemudian simpanlah di dalam peti sejuk anda.
- Dalam 3-4 jam selepas tu, dah boleh dipotong dan dimakan :)
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masukkan dalam bekas. Saya alas bekas dengan plastik supaya nanti senang nak keluarkan kek tu dari bekas untuk dipotong. |
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kek batik yang telah dimampatkan, menunggu masa untuk dimasukkan ke dalam fridge. |
caremel :)
minx2 yg buat tu jadi... amin
so the ingredient is...
-telur x9
-susu cair x1
-sus pekat x1
-essen vanila x2 cap@nak gune sudu kecik pon okay kot....
and ofcoz -gule...
and so.... how to make it?
first masokkan gule kedalam piring.
then panaskan sampi gule tu start jadi wane "honey" then teros ttp ape. *kalo die hitam sgt = hangos = x sdp
for the ceremel...
masokkan telor + susu pekat + susu cair dalam blander.
then tekan button tu 3 kali je. *byk2 nanti bendetu jd..... #cannot be describe :). agak2 la dlm 2 saat 1 kali ke....
da siap tu masok je dlm gule yang dipanaskan td *tp tunggu gule tu keras dulu :)....
the last? kukus semue2 tu dalam.... pengukus la kan. hehe.... bout 20 min #based on the surface area and volume of the piring. :)
and so jadilah... senang ja. :)
nyum3..... tbe2 trase nak buat plak. xD
18 August 2011
just a little things i heard last night after taraweh... one of a point says. "org semua nyanyi lagu "berlalu lah sudah ramadahan sebulan berpuasaaa.... tiba syawal kita rayakan dengan rasa GEMBIRA"... tuan2 dan puan2... GEMBIRA tuan2 dan puan2... orang sepatotnye rase sedeh nak tinggalkan ramadhan yang penoh barakah ni. tp kite..." something like that la ayat die. give something to thing bout eh. dan2 je die bg time esok nak blk rumah da... dgn org sme bkk lagu raye kat ringtone. huhuhu... ouch.
just a little things i heard last night after taraweh... one of a point says. "org semua nyanyi lagu "berlalu lah sudah ramadahan sebulan berpuasaaa.... tiba syawal kita rayakan dengan rasa GEMBIRA"... tuan2 dan puan2... GEMBIRA tuan2 dan puan2... orang sepatotnye rase sedeh nak tinggalkan ramadhan yang penoh barakah ni. tp kite..." something like that la ayat die. give something to thing bout eh. dan2 je die bg time esok nak blk rumah da... dgn org sme bkk lagu raye kat ringtone. huhuhu... ouch.
so hey... ramadhan ade 12 hari lg.
lailatul qadar x menjelma lg
lailatul qadar x menjelma lg
apa lagi?
bye bye KMK!
dude.... sedar tak sedar da ramadan ke 18 tu. WOARGH!!! and yet my quran reeding is veeeery few. dulu time menengah semangat abeskan 1 juz+++ sehari. dulu bole la biah islamiah. tercabar kalo x ketinggalan... kat cni? depa baca pon tak. ape lg nak fight lumbe... nak cabar diri sendiri pon da x dan. hehehe.... so hey. im posting for the last day in KMK before raya. hehe... maseng2 pon da malas nak blaja bile msk klass. maklumla da pke nak blk je an... td pon kuliah math naseb baek tak tetdo. haha.... tan cos sin cosec cot sec... blaja bende2 tu blk. teringat kat ustazah rashidah md jadi ngan ustazah zunainah(ye ke eje*XD)...
yesterday i gave "kad raye" to puan latifah... she seem so touched cuz first kad raya she got from her student. im sooo happpy wathing her happy.... so everyone is happpy...
and sooooo...... BALEK KAMPONG... OOOOOOH BALEK KAMPONG. hehehe.... amboi smgtnye die. tiket pukol 5.30... smpi pukol 12~1 kot. woargh... pagi pulak tu. huhuhu.... harap la ade org nak ambik. :)
till next post... kat rumah kot.. wassalam...
dude.... sedar tak sedar da ramadan ke 18 tu. WOARGH!!! and yet my quran reeding is veeeery few. dulu time menengah semangat abeskan 1 juz+++ sehari. dulu bole la biah islamiah. tercabar kalo x ketinggalan... kat cni? depa baca pon tak. ape lg nak fight lumbe... nak cabar diri sendiri pon da x dan. hehehe.... so hey. im posting for the last day in KMK before raya. hehe... maseng2 pon da malas nak blaja bile msk klass. maklumla da pke nak blk je an... td pon kuliah math naseb baek tak tetdo. haha.... tan cos sin cosec cot sec... blaja bende2 tu blk. teringat kat ustazah rashidah md jadi ngan ustazah zunainah(ye ke eje*XD)...
yesterday i gave "kad raye" to puan latifah... she seem so touched cuz first kad raya she got from her student. im sooo happpy wathing her happy.... so everyone is happpy...
and sooooo...... BALEK KAMPONG... OOOOOOH BALEK KAMPONG. hehehe.... amboi smgtnye die. tiket pukol 5.30... smpi pukol 12~1 kot. woargh... pagi pulak tu. huhuhu.... harap la ade org nak ambik. :)
till next post... kat rumah kot.. wassalam...
15 August 2011
siapa kata KL takde dialect...
so here's the thing... KL has thier own dialect. when i speak with kedah+iens with my mothertongue dialect (which are in KL dialect), depa pon kdg2 x paham. see? kalo dorang kecek kedah pon ak x paham sgt. tp skrg da ok la. hehehe....
for example
for kedah... R difasakhkan jd Q...
for melake... R jadi U
for ganu... N jadi NG.
klate?.... ntah la... bhase depa sendiri kot. hehe...
sarawak?... byk sgt bhase la... hehe....
johor? same je mcm kl cme drang ade word yg x dak kat KL like gerobok etc...
in a nutshell... it's always fun study bout human ey... but not in major la. =). and im just a kid who are still crawling to learn this things. :)
*this is just my opinion. correct me if I was wrong
and now its fated. =)
Sistem Semakan Penempatan Pelatih PLKN
Kumpulan 3 Siri 8/2011
Kumpulan 3 Siri 8/2011
NO. KAD PENGENALAN | : | 93050614**** | |
KUMPULAN | : | 3 | |
POSKOD KEM | : | 97000 | |
TARIKH LAPOR | : | 10-SEP-2011 | |
MASA LAPOR | : | 5.30 PAGI | |
NPP | : | ||
08 August 2011
fun with chemist
just want to show my creation during my molecule experiment. wahaha... lecturer suro buat laen laen yg die buat.. :D
well... rase mcm jd bdk2 blk maen pasang2 ni. mcm maen ape tu org kate.... lego? hahaha....
5 basic type molecule structure..
trigonal planar
trigonal bipyramidal
saje nak share ilmu...
till next post :)
06 August 2011
Six Easy ways to earn even after death.
1) Give a copy of Qur'an to someone. Each time one reads from it, u gain.
2) Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time sick person uses it, u gain.
3) Participate in building a Masjid.
4) Place water cooler in a public place.
5) Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person,animal sits in its shade or eats from it.
04 August 2011
exam is over dude!
but ramadhan exam is still on.....
math was time-catching...
chem? last dot on the dot.
phy... damn, dont want to talk bout it...
comp... camon la 4 flat
it is not wrong to aim the sky rite?
math was time-catching...
chem? last dot on the dot.
phy... damn, dont want to talk bout it...
comp... camon la 4 flat
it is not wrong to aim the sky rite?
28 July 2011
its around the corner!!!
time moves without waiting for us ey??? i just realize that next week is a exam week. apart from that... ITS RAMADHAN FEVER!!!! hehey.... w8ing for you. bole blaja buat masakan baru.... just learned kuih batik. :) senang je.... tett....
so... exam coming up! 3 day 5 paper 1 hours per paper. UPs baru sop. *this kind of attitude that is sux ya noe. hahaha...
till next post. salam ramadhan....
time moves without waiting for us ey??? i just realize that next week is a exam week. apart from that... ITS RAMADHAN FEVER!!!! hehey.... w8ing for you. bole blaja buat masakan baru.... just learned kuih batik. :) senang je.... tett....
so... exam coming up! 3 day 5 paper 1 hours per paper. UPs baru sop. *this kind of attitude that is sux ya noe. hahaha...
till next post. salam ramadhan....
22 July 2011
3rd friendly
hmm... yeah i've been longing to post a post *apakah.....
and so my lagendary story continue in this livelihood matriculation... thinking bout changing my style of posting a story. wanna make it short.
so my basketball career started back at this matriculation. started in standard 1 and then stopped in form 1 and now continue back.
so just a quick post of my newly sport.
first friendly with keat-hwa ended with 57-45... damn they was pro. not bad for a 2nd team in kedah though.
2nd friendly was with Kolej Matrikulasi Teknikal Kedah wan a blow.... win 30 somthing - 10 or 12. i donno....
and this last friendly had with some-school-in-chanloon.... full of Chinese people.... we lose 53-40.
every match with chinese lose. shush la....
till next post.
hmm... yeah i've been longing to post a post *apakah.....
and so my lagendary story continue in this livelihood matriculation... thinking bout changing my style of posting a story. wanna make it short.
so my basketball career started back at this matriculation. started in standard 1 and then stopped in form 1 and now continue back.
so just a quick post of my newly sport.
first friendly with keat-hwa ended with 57-45... damn they was pro. not bad for a 2nd team in kedah though.
2nd friendly was with Kolej Matrikulasi Teknikal Kedah wan a blow.... win 30 somthing - 10 or 12. i donno....
and this last friendly had with some-school-in-chanloon.... full of Chinese people.... we lose 53-40.
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kesan2 cubaan maen ganas dng org yg lg ganas. xD |
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